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Rabu, 26 Desember 2007

Increase your participants count redirect feedburner

maybe you have ear about this, but I thought that I write a small contribution informed about this new feature in the blog, for the benefit of those who do not know maybe. Even if you burn your blogs flows Feedburner, a few percent of all visitors to your site can also read the flow of Blogger. This could happen if your URL for the blog (instead of your feed feedburner) for their readers and their Feed Feed Feed Reader Blogger self-discovery. The side effect is that your account will not be exactly subscribers.

The main purpose of developing Google buys FeedBurner happens, the new flow diversion of the function. With this you can transmit Blogger FeedBurner-Feed Feed. You can do this by clicking Settings-> flow and distribution of your feedburner URL of the feed for the redirection (as shown below).

I did so at a given time, including my subscribers rose from 700 to 800 + +, the next day. It might try to do it!

Bonus-news: selly tells us about another new feature - Comment form with the message you can create a message in the comments of Blogger. I used immediately!

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