I have read a few forums and blogs Google Adsense consultants in recent times, and thought it would be useful, to the extent practicable, to a place without the commentary. I also threw in a few tips of my own. We will start with some of the basic elements-General to move and the subjects later.
Build an empire?
If you opt for a Web site Publisher, you can be divided into two broad categories:
Publication 100 sites that deserve every $ 1 Earnings per day
1 site deserves $ 100 Earnings per day
The reality is that most people at the end somewhere in between. After 100 pages allows you to maintenance, content management and issues. After a site is open to all kinds of fluctuations (algorithm search engines, market trends, etc.). You can order your plan of the track, but you have easier if you start to move in the direction you want to finish.
General or Niche
You can reference site of the general themes or place. Place Général sites work better with adsense. First, the orientation of the display is much better. Secondly, you have a link to your home, in writing, of course, more and more experts in the wild. I hope this will give you more control over your territory.
If this is your first attempt at creating a web page adsense, they are doing something for fun. It is the process much easier and less painful to implement. However, you should check that your question has a fairly ad inventory and payment is made at a level that can be easily accessed. Like medieval folk dancing, but the pool of advertisers for this theme is very small (in fact, he is currently at zero).
Once you have received the filming fate, as Adsense works on a Web site you want to dabble in some high paying keywords that you may have tried to buy, pay a large keyword list. This was confirmed with certain dangers. First, the level of fraud is much higher, the big money. Secondly, there is a distortion of the relationship between supply and demand for these conditions. Everyone wanted ads on its Web site, $ 35 or more, a simple click, but the number of customers who are willing to pay as much is quite limited. Furthermore, as regards competition, that transport is rigid. So, try not to run with the big dogs, if you can not keep. If you ask if you have a big dog, then chances are that you do not want to. I have a high ratio of keywords cashkeywords.com dollars and was satisfied with my results (see Cash keywords Special free quote).
New sites, files and maintenance
If you opt for the establishment of a new page is not the adsense, until it is finished. In fact, I would even go further and say, not adsense on it until you check the links and launched more traffic. If you have a website with "lorem ipsum" dummy reserved or place text, adsense Your ads will almost certainly be off topic. This is often the case for new files on the Web sites, especially if the subject is new or different. There may be days or weeks after google-bot media return to your site and provide you with ads in a targeted manner. Tip: If you are a traffic volume from a multitude of IP addresses you at the speed of this process dramatically.
I like my websites with files included. I have the header and footer and navigation in files. It makes it much easier to maintain and manage. I would like my AdSense included in the files. If I want / adsense has to be my code, it's just that I have a file in the workplace. Tip: I also take programming for adsense or shut it down. I can understand a global variable to "true" or "false" and my adsense ads appear or disappear.
Managing URL's and canals
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